Tim Wilkes

Beagle Cam v2 and home assistant.

I have octoprint set up with home assistant for monitoring my prints. Some times, it is easier to get notifications that way. For the resin printer I use a beagle cam v2. I don't have any integrations or plugins for this printer.

Resin printing Failures ... A FAQ

A casual list of failures and things I do to put them right when resin printing. As I come across more, I will update this page.

Resin printer setup

I get asked from time to time what I use for 3D resin printing. While I am still getting to grips with all the ins and outs, I have had some good results.

New Printer, Who Dis?

I bought myself an older CR-10 MAX printer to do some larger prints from ebay. It came with one known fault - an issue with the BL Touch. Spending £150 on a printer with £50 P&P - what could go wrong?

Fixing affliate links in Ghost

At some point (hopefully soon ...) I would like my blog to at least be able to generate some income. Getting off the ground is a bit of a pain. Amazon have minium of 3 sales before you can properly become an affliate.

Deploying vault via docker and ansible

Adding to my in-promptu series on automating docker containers with ansible, this time I'm looking at Hashicorp's Vault. This is slightly different, in that it required a binary to be installed on the ansible controller (a raspberry pi). Once vault is deployed, we need to unseal the containter.

Monitoring DMARC with Docker

In this post, I deploy a docker container via docker compose and ansible to read my dmarc reports.

Overture PLA

After a bit of a disaster with the Glow in the dark filament, I moved to a marble based filament by Overture. As I had just bought 2KG of this filament (it was cheap on Amazon) and then another 2 of matt white PLA (at about £8 per roll), I really wanted a nice easy filamant to work with.

Using ansible to deploy a gitlab runner.

After deploying watchtower to one of my docker instances, I noticed that it was having issues with restarting the container. The actual fault turned out to be the networking with portainer, but in the meantime, I wrote an ansible playbook to redeploy / restart the container.

Glow in the dark filament

A couple of years ago I bought a roll of glow in the dark filament from the company Amolen. As I have only 1 roll, I have no idea if my experiences are indicative of the filament in general, or just a one off.
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