If you find anything that I have posted about useful, please consider supporting my posting. This is really a part time thing for me, and the support goes a long way in to keeping my blog online.
Indirect Support
These are products and services which offer referer schemes. In general, I do use these platforms myself, which is why I feel I can refer you to them.
Octopus Energy
Looking for a new energy supplier? If you clicked this link and moved to Octopus, we would each get £50. If you are a business, it's £100. Octopus Energy are also big in to home automation as well, which is another great plus for them.

Smarty Mobile
Looking for a new mobile phone contract? Consider Smarty. You'll get a £10 gift card, after 2 billing months for using this link, as will I and best of all, it costs you nothing.

Got a website you are looking to add ads too? Fed up with Google, or just want an alternative? Clicking on the link below will give you $5 starting credit.

Direct Support
This is like giving me cash directly.