3d Printing

Posts about 3D printing related topics.

Automating Air filters

Recently I was watching a Thomas Sanladerer (Making with Layers) video on youtube about the emission of gases from 3D prints. Like Thomas, I am concerned about the fumes that come from my 3D printers and I'm interested in ways to reduce them, especially around my young son.

Getting klipper to detect my CR-10 MAX reliably

I am on a journey to make my CR-10 MAX as reliable as possible. I have updated various things on it, but one thing I was struggling with was powering the printer on and having klipper work reliably with it once it was. The printer is powered down after completing jobs to save power.

Klipper and the CR-10 Max

The CR-10 max i have is great, now I have it working properly and started to get it dialled in. However, there are a few things that could always do with a bit of improvement. First off, the speed. I wanted it to go a bit fast. Not super speed, but something to finished prints in reasonable time.

Fixing more stuff on the cr-10 max

Making my CR-10 max more reliable and accurate is an on going saga. This was the latest installment of how I will make the printer as well set up as my Ender 5.

Filament management

Since I now have 2 Filament based 3D printers, and god knows how many rolls of filament (it's turns out it's 18) I thought I would do a bit of digging for a system to keep track of them. I had been using the octoprint spool manager, but that only really works well for single printers.

Filament Dryer - Sunlu S4 review.

Last year, I joined the hype train for the SunLu S4 filament dryer. The dryer boasts being able to dry 4 rolls of 1kg filament at once, with an optional 3D print to convert the dryer to support 3kg rolls.

Cura Settings - Make overhangs printable

I accidently enabled this setting in my slicer for my prints on my Ender 5. The effect was that holes which were meant to be in the model simply didn't exist.

DSPIAE Electric model sander review

As part of 3D printing and making in general, I tend to need to sand objects alot. Whether that be with my hand mouse sander on an Iron Man helmet or touching up a more detailed resin model. So, when I saw a small electric sander on Aliexpress, I decided to buy it and try it out.

Beagle Cam v2 and home assistant.

I have octoprint set up with home assistant for monitoring my prints. Some times, it is easier to get notifications that way. For the resin printer I use a beagle cam v2. I don't have any integrations or plugins for this printer.

Resin printing Failures ... A FAQ

A casual list of failures and things I do to put them right when resin printing. As I come across more, I will update this page.
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